Surprise--it didn't get any better. My endearing spouse slept until 10, got up, ate breakfast and then went to church, leaving me with the three medically unsound children. It was all I could do to keep from throttling him.
While he was gone, Sam managed to pee in the floor, completing my body fluid experience for the day.He is teething, so he is in a foul, foul, foul mood. Somehow I managed to get everyone dressed and ready to hit the door by 12:30.
Blah, blah, blah. The day wasn't bad, just loooooooooong. The two little ones needed naps and Five is still sick. By the time we got home, he was running a fever. I threw together another one of my haute cousine meals--mac anc cheese and chicken tenders (frozen, pre breaded--as cop-out as you can get without going to McDonald's) and corn. A very yellow meal. They loved it, so I guess it can't be too bad. Sam collapsed shortly after dinner, thankfully. Jay wasn't too far behind. Now I am alone and watching the L.A. Law movie (sort of disappointing). I have a People magazine waiting for me as well--sad, but a little bit of heaven nontheless.
Happy Mother's Day to me. Despite it all, I am still the luckiest mommy I know.
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