Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

OMG! I am such a dolt that I almost forgot to post HUGE news. Well, huge here, anyway. I have officially decided not to run for re-election. It was going to be a five-way race, which actually was to my benefit, but I decided it just wasn't worth it anymore.

I am sucking big time at being a wife, being a mother, being a teacher, being a student and being a commissioner. I cannot give up my husband, my kids, my job or my doctorate, so commission has to go. There is just no reason to keep dragging it out. A very nice man is running and I will support him for my old seat.In four years Sam will be starting kindy and then mayber I can run again. I'll be Dr.Kim--ROFLMAO. The Honorable Dr. Kim. What a hoot.

W. was fine with my decision. He is very seriously thinking about going back to school to become, get this, a nurse. WTF?? He found out what he could make working three 12 hour days and that was it. He thinks he can be done in 18 months. How the heck we will live until then is beyond me, but I am sure we will come up with something. We have land we can sell and that will tide us over for the majority of the time. He should also be eligible for all kinds of loans and or grants since he will be a minority in nursing. He is talking to a re-training expert this week to get some better ideas about what it will require. I am happy for him, but it is very elementary at this stage. Just exploration. He is really struggling with what he wants to do for the rest of his life. I, on the other hand, am chained to a job untiI turn 56 or so. If this week doesn't improve, I won't live to be 56.

I need pretty things on my blog. I still want to add photos and links and all that crap. I suppose one of these days I will get off my lazy ass and read up on how to do it. Right after I clean my house, lose 100 pounds, finish up my doctorate, raise three boys, and find a better shade of lipstick than the deathly one I have been wearing.


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