Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Thursday, May 16, 2002

So, have I told you lately what a kick ass teacher I am--or actually what a kick ass suck up teacher I am? Tonight I am sitting at work slaving over a bunch of stupid gag gifts for my homeroom that is graduating in less than week (**sniff, sniff**). I will be here until midnight. I will be back at 6 a.m. getting all the things they need for their little skits, etc. ready. I will be up all weekend writing letters to each and everyone of the ingrates telling them how proud I am of them.

I received the following letter from one of my girls who went for her GED at the last minute--she had too many absences, needed some more classes. I convinced her that a GED was better than nothing. She brought me this at school the other day--after she had been to take her test.

Dear Mrs. W.,

Thank you so much for your support through these past 4 years of my life. You have been there pushing me and pushing me along the way. I never thought I would get here, and I wouldn't without you "making" me do it. You have helped me not only in school, but in my personal life as well. You're an excellent teacher. I highly respect your thoughts and opinions. There are few teachers who make an impact in a student's life. Most teachers you'll never think of again after graduation. I want you to that Mrs. Kim W. has made the biggest impact and had a gigantic influence on my life. I will never forget you. I wish everyone could have a caring and wonderful teacher like you. I guess I am just lucky. Thank you!



This is why I teach. Right here. Just when I felt as low and useless and horrid about myself as I possibly could, I get somethign like this. I will treasure it for the rest of my life.

Back to work now.


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