Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Monday, July 29, 2002

Talk about underestimating

I thought I could get all of my crap done today from say, 9 -1. Wrong. I am about to leave now and I still have one more chapter presentation, a case study and a response paper to do. CRAP! I did get W.'s resume rewritten with cover letters, and sent to two pleaces, an 8 page research paper and one chapter of presentation done. I met with my principal for almost an hour, so that set me behind from the get go.

Back tomorrow, I suppose. I will take the kids to daycare Tuesday instead of Wednesday and then have three days to just clean house and play the rest of the week. I cannot WAIT for all of this to just be DONE! I am a broken record lately.

UGH! To top all things shitty off, one of my former students has joined our staff. Blech. I despised her when she was in school, and she hasn't changed a bit. Damn, damn, damn.


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