Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Friday, July 05, 2002

I am amazed at how quickly kids can drop off to sleep. In the time it took me to load about three windows on my painfully slow dial up modem, Jay went from asking me questions about Patrick Henry (doesn't that make him sound intelligent and advanced) to sound asleep. I went to answer him and he was out like a light. Why is it that they can't do this in the car?

Took my statistics mid term today. It was comically bad as most things in my life are. I made some of the most asinine mistakes imaginable....2 squared is 2?? 13 times 0 is um...13? I am a walking statistical error :-). I think I finally got my shit together and did reasonably well. I am pretty sure I did each problem correctly--may not have had the right answer, but he gives us credit for the process. I am fairly confident I did better than most people in the class anyway. One of my dear friends, bless her heart, didn't have a clue. She said she knew she was screwed when she finished, turned it in and then realized that she had her X and Y axis switched so her scatterplot was completely reversed. Not a good feeling, I am sure. I didn't have to leave any blank or guess on anything.Only 3 more weeks of this, thank God.

My back and neck are in knots from lack of sleep, driving, strange beds and life in general. I wish I had a good muscle relaxer. I could really use one right now. I am hoping I can convince W. to give me a nice massage tomorrow if I can ever distract the kids long enough. I thought swimming this evening would help, but it didn't. I was able to stretch out quite a bit, but there are still spots that are literally sore to the touch and a horrible tight spot under my shoulder blade which is where I always feel stress. I hate our mattress. It is too damn firm. I want to just sink into a comfy bed tonight. No kids are going to sleep with me tonight-that is for sure.

I suppose I should sleep now. I have several things to add to my blog, but for now, I am searching for Motrin and the heating pad. The drive yesterday was the final straw....always an adventure with my kids in the car. Never a dull moment.


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