Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Saturday, May 18, 2002

i took the most amazing nap today. It should tell you a lot about my life that a nap rates an adjective such as "amazing." I fell asleep listening to my favorite song, "If You're Gone" by my obsession, Rob Thomas. I woke up to "Losing My Religion." It doesn't get better than that. Only seeing John Taylor playing bass at the foot of the bed could improve it.

Now everyone is asleep and I am getting caught up on email and watching tv and drinking wine coolers. Adulthood just isn't as glam as I used to envision. of course, it could be if I wasn't so slug-like lately. I am sure somewhere, somebody is having a great time being all grown up and social. The thought of that, quite frankly, wears me out. It is time for me to turn in for the night and rest up for what I am sure will be a horribly dull county commission meeting and an afternoon of cleaning the nastiest house in three counties.


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