Yet another Monday. There really ought to be more time between them. I am not even working and I hate them. Sunday is just such a lovely nap day.
Five's programwent well. he was more into it than normal. He actually seemed to know the words to most of the songs. There were over 200 kids in the show. I cannot imagine howmuch work went into getting it all arranged. They do such an amazing job--it isn't just a bunch of kids stands on risers singing. There is always something going on either downstage, in the aisles, on the sides, etc. Five was part of a rap group--he was so proud of his backwards hat.
Jay woke up in a crotchety mood, so W. decided at the last minute to stay at Mike's with him (we had stopped to sropoff some stuff there). Sam threw a fit when I took him to the nursery, but the worker said he calmed down quickly. The church service is televised locally, so W. and Jay were able to see the show on tv, along with MIL and FIL, and Mike and Pam, so a nice extended audience.
Joy of joys, Jay gets to start the music program in the fall. They take 3 year olds!!! He will love it and will have a blast.
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