Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Sunday, June 23, 2002

I am so stoked about my trip to North Carolina, I can't stand it.

Fifteen mommies on a 3 day break from reality. How cool is that? I am so lucky that W. doesn't seem to mind a bit that I go on these trips. This is the third one so far. Once to Chicago, once to York, PA, and now to Raleigh, NC. My extended family is beyond thinking that I am crazy for going to meet people that I "don't know". They now think it is very interesting. I am sure it gives them something to amuse their friends with...crazy Kim meeting up with those psychos from the internet. LOL. The idea that I don't know these girls is laughable. I suppose I know them as well as I have ever known anyone. A very, very tight group going on four years of friendship. Not bad.

W. will make me feel guilty about going, I am sure. He always does, but then they have a good time without me. I intend to have a blast. I am not able to really enjoy myself at social things here because there is always someone who needs to be taken care of or we have to be ready to leave for the sitter or I am too tired. This weekend, I will not have to wipe one rear end, I won't have to find a cup with a lid that fits, I won't have to wrestle a wet tot back into the shower, I won't have to remind anyone to put on deodorant, I won't have to drive a mini van and I can take a nap if I want to. I intend to spend hours watching movies, playing fun games and talking til I am hoarse. Oh, and drinking of course. I am not a drinker anymore. I was in college and before I got preggo with Jay, I was a weekend drinker. Since 1999, I have probably been over the limit 7 times--and one of those was the trip to Baltmore. I don't even like being drunk, but I do like drinking. Does that make sense?

I have been on a low carb diet again for several weeks.I built in cheat days, though, so I am not doing as well as usual. I lost 12 pounds quickly, but now I have hit a plateau. I had set a goal of 20 pounds by the trip to Traci's, but now I will settle for 15. I am so weak on Fridays. Stats class just stresses me out and I eat when I am stressed. After the trip, though, I am going to make myself give up the cheat day and get more focused. Food is becoming less and less appealing to me which is a good thing. I haven't had caffeine in quantity in ages. I will be all abuzz in NC since T. prefers the breakfast of champions--coffee or Code Red and Metabolife. LMAO. I would be in cardiac arrest these days. She used to smoke with it, but has blessedly stopped that. I don't do the coffee thing, either, but I am sure I will be sucking down Cokes like there is no tomorrow.

Have I mentioned that I am excited about this trip? This will cross several more names off of my Must Meet list. The whole thing will be obsolete in a couple of years at this rate. Funny, when I stumbled across the February 1999 Club on New Year's Eve of 98, I had no idea what was in store for me. That night I was just thrilled to find people who were gong through what I was. I had never even posted on a bulletin board before, I don't think. My, how things change.


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