Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

I have taken doing nothing to a hight art form.

Truly, I am useless these days. I have a stack of stuff to do and still, I wander around aimlessly doing this and that never finishing anything. i know how to solve it, yet I find myself falling into that trap again and again. I suppose I need to do some basic things for 21 days in a row to make them habits. That would make my life so much happier.The problem is, I despise the mundane shit such as:

1. laundry--damn, I hate to put clothes away. I would be perfectly happy to dress from the dryer or laundry basket. It isn't feasible with three kids, though.

2. Dishes--I am more and more in favor of paper plates. I relied on them last summer and it was much easier. Must buy some next time at the store. The pots and pans would fit int he dishwasher if there weren't a dozen plates all the time. Pesky kids insist on eating all the time.

3. Sippy cups--I rounded up 7 of the fuckers today. They just disappear and then reappear when butter or other solids form. I don't know who the hell is giving the kids cus to wander around the house with--must be their slacker father. I am sure it isn't me.

4. Toys--I am ready to limit each child to 3 toys with no more than 10 pieces total. If I could get the playroom done, this would solve much of that headache, but I am at a standstill with lighting down there. Damn. Candles are dangerous for children, aren't they?

5. Junk mail and paper garbage--like Legos, envelopes and flyers multiply. W. insists on looking at every damn piece of mail that comes in the house and somehow never throws it away. Looks like a frigging ticker tape parade every day around here. I am going to get him a shredder for Christmas. He will love it and maybe, just maybe, I won't be tripping over shit all the time.


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