I guess the 92 is a bit self explanatory, but in case it isn't, I got my stats test back and that was my score. There are not adequate words to describe how proud of me I was. Am, actually. I haven't done any gushing self-congratulatory b.s. over any of this because I am not really that type of person and I usually find it a bit self-serving (beng the bitch I am and all :-)). but damn, this felt sooooooo good. 92. Third highest grade in the class. I could hardly bring myself to show the paper to anyone in my group--their scores were 63, 47 and 42. I knew they would be bad, but not that bad. It justmade me feel that much better about my own test. How selfish it that? LOL. I am not a math person. Numbers are not my friend. Never have been. I wish I could say that I had studied my ass off (literally and figuratively), but I didn't. I looked over things a minute or two and then just trusted what I remembered and it worked. I suppose I did learn something after all. Shock, shock.
This class was the hurdle between me and my Ed.S and probably my doctorate. The dissertation is daunting, but when push comes to shove I think I can get through it. If I can do stats, I think I can do anything school related.
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