Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Saturday, May 18, 2002

Color me a dumbass. I had no idea people just wandered in and read blogs. I am such a blogidiot.It adds a whole new element of pressure--something must be done about my uncentered items.

I know, I know, you are asking yourself WTF did I think it meant when I marked the public choice when I set the thing up. I have no answer. Just that I am a dumbass. Perhaps I should share some other examples of my dumbassedness to put it in perspective.

1. This blog and the multitude of times it took me to put a link on it.

2. The fact that I am never aware that I have a flat tire until my car comes to a complete stop and rubber is shredding behind me or my rim is bent. After the first or second flat, one would think I would catch on that cars don't just sort of melt into the road, but it surprises me each and every time.

3. The fact that my purse or wallet has been stolen 5 times and lost 3.

4. I also had a car stolen once following a purse theft.

5. I still let my youngest go without a diaper from time to time--he is my third child. You could swim in the amount of pee that has been deposited on my floors, yet I still do this.

6. I do not balance my checkbook or keep accurate records. I use the wishful thinking method of finance. forget Vegas--I just gamble monthly. When I lose, it costs me $25 per flub. I could have made a lot of money playing craps in Tunica with that money.

7. Until the final episode of The Amazing Race 2, it did not dawn on me why only one person sat in the front when they were in cars. Now, if I hadn't noticed it or contemplated it, that would be one thing. Sadly, I not only noticed it, but chalked it up to some European thing or a way to spread out the map. Never once did it dawn on me that the cameraman might need a seat.

So, if you are a public viewer, please have mercy on my poor stupid self. I hope you will find that my idiocy does at least offer me excellent fodder for humorous stories.

Those of you that know me, well, I hope you didn't expect any different.


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