Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Monday, July 15, 2002

Turns out I am an inarticulate mother fucker :-).

I read on another blog where someone had found on another blog yada yada yada that Swearing is the crutch of inarticulate mother fuckers.I love to swear. I am horrible about it. The word fuck is just so useful--noun, verb, adjective, adverb, interjection. Not many words are that multi-purpose. Learning the catchy phrase sonofamotherfucker was my downfall, really. It was at that point that I crossed the line into truly foul-mouthed. I have never looked back. I don't do it in front of the kids and I do try to keep it off my blog for the most part--I would hate to die tomorrow and the last known writing from me be something about some sorry-assed son of a mother fucking motherfucker who pissed me the fuck off because she has fucking shit for gdamned brains and is too hellishly damned stupid to be allowed to fucking breed. That would be my luck. You kow, speaking of luck, considering mine as of late, I have probably just sealed my own damned fate. I will hit publish, the entry will post and then Blogger will frigging crash down for the rest of the fucking night. I will die some hideous, horrible death (probably naked in the shower knowing my luck--choking on a gdamned Lego) and this will be the last words my children will read. Lucky for me, W. is so compu-stupid, he has no idea this site exists. The children will be spared eternal humilation and the knowledge that their mother is burning in hell.

BTW, cleanliness is next to godliness. LMAO. I am gonna roast for eternity.


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