Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Here is the letter I wrote to the nincompoop--haven't decided whether or not to give it to her. I really want to get a response from her and she never responds to letters of complaint, or at least she hasn't in the past.

Mrs. R.-

It has taken me much of the afternoon to be able to put my thoughts down in words. To say I am disappointed in our conversation earlier today would be a tremendous understatement. If anyone asks, it will be very easy for me to explain why I am not interested in running for county commission this term—people like C.M. I am not sure what I ever did to him to cause this animosity. My husband had some differences with the sheriff and I suppose that is the root of the problem. I intend to ask him about his concerns as soon as the situation presents itself. I would be curious to know how A.P. (the chariman and founder of the prgram) would react if he were told of C.'s ultimatum and your response. To think that personal politics is in anyway affecting the project is sickening.

What upsets me more than his blatant attempt to play politics at the expense of our school is the fact that you have allowed him to do it. The idea that you would not stand up for a member of your faculty is disheartening. I have worked at this school since 1995. I have spent untold hours doing things for this school and countless dollars. I dare you to compare the efforts that I have put forth for this school into comparison with C. and tell me that his outweigh mine. No one had a problem with me going to the commission and asking for a resolution agreeing to this deal. I gladly asked for, and got, unanimous support for the program. I was not aware that C. was a factor. I was aware that Helen had called and asked teachers to approach you and get the program rolling—C. was not involved in that in the slightest, yet he is going to call the shots.

The idea that you would believe that he could withhold the money if I were involved is also mind-boggling. Do you honestly think he wields that much power? Do you really think he would go to A.P. and say pull the plug because K. W. is running the snow cone machine? The idea is absurd, yet we bow down to him because he might write us a check. I admit he has more money than I do. I encourage you to ask him for money every time I stay after school to help a student, put together a production, call a child who has been sick, answer weekend phone calls from students with problems, organize after school activities, spend hours working on slide shows, work at basketball games, attend PTO meetings, or praise the school in public. See how his contributions stack up to mine. I do believe I win. Ask the students of this school who does more for them. See what kind of response you get. Ask the members of the community what they think about his ultimatum.

I do hope that when asked, you will tell people who ask that I am not working on the committee because C.M. said I couldn’t. I know I intend to. I do not deserve for people in this community or teachers on staff to think that I just backed out for my own personal reasons. I have already spent hours working and planning on this event. To think that C.M. can just undo that on a whim is scary.

At some point, the teachers have to be put first. We have to be supported and represented instead of constantly being the scapegoats or receiving the short end of the stick. The morale at this school is frighteningly low. You can put all the spin on it that you like, but bottom line is this. Few teachers here feel you support or appreciate them. You can now add me to the list. I will be here, I will do my job, I will serve my students to the best of my ability, but I will never forget how little importance that attitude plays when it comes down to politics or money.

I have a great deal of thinking to do tonight.


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