Well, wouldn't you know it--at home all alone and I got bored.I suppose it is better to be bored, though, than to be a mental case which is where I was headed.For all practical purposes, I was alone from noon until 1 a.m. with only a short visit from W. when he brought me food at 10. Good husband :-). I did nothing but a little bit of houswork. I spent most of my day online--chatting on MSN with Tonya (who must add comments to her blog) and then at BYB chat which was a scream as usual. Funny how people from all different walks of life, all over the country can be so perfect for each other.I suppose I could find that IRL, but I simply don't have the time or feel like putting forth the effort. Maybe when the kids get older.......
Sam got me up at 7:15 this morning. Thankfully I was not hung over, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He is such a funny child. He is going to be the most stubborn of the bunch. He threw fit after fit this morning when things didn't go his way. It was comical really, at least untiil he tried to bite me.Then he discovered TV. He has never had any interest in anything on TV, which is fine by me, but I turned it to Big Comfy Couch (gag, blech, puke) and he was mesmorized. He sat through 15 minutes of it without a sound. The he watched an entire episode of the Tubbies. It was so cute to see his face. He doesn't care for cartoons at all, but I suppose the pseudo-reality grabs his attention. I despise Lunnette and Molly, a clown and her dolly...I call it the Dumb Fucking Couch--it fits to the tune, BTW--but if it makes him happy, I see it becoming a wee part of our day this summer. I am trying to work out a schedule of sorts so they don't just run wild. We are going to have to get up and get moving early because it will be too hot to play outside after about 10. I plan on lots of swimming, too. I plan a lot of things, actually. It will be interesting to see how many of them actually occur.
I think I deserve a nap now. Then the mess in my bedroom that I put off yesterday awaits. Ugh. Defintely need sleep.
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