I am so angry that I do not know where to begin. I am putting this here because I hope to contain my rage and be able to come to some working solution to the problem before it permeates every aspect of my life.
I must find a new job. This breaks my heart, but I have come to realize that I am working for someone who has no respect for me nor any desire to see me at this school. The final straw was today. Our school has been chosen as the beneficiary for a tremendous amount of money to be given to our arts department. I am the drama teacher, so naturally, I volunteered to help. I was eager to particiapte--I was put in charge of fundraising and a stupid snow cone booth. As usual, our incompetent principal made these chores as dfficicult as possible. it is too stupid and drawn out to go into here, but due to her inability to say no to any idea that comes along the way, we have way more activities planned than we can possibly staff. Fine. I spent hours coming up with a fund raising plan--a year long campagin that would shoot to raise an additional $75, 000. No mean feat when you consider we only have 600 kids K-12. I had big plans--I had intended to start to day on literature to be sent to corporate donors.
Now I am in charge of nothing and my role is to be kept to a minimum. Why? Because I pissed off someone through county politcs 2 years ago and he happens to be on the board of the group holding the funds. He told my fool boss that he wanted me to be involved as little as possible. I suppose he is afraid that someone else will get some attention. I don't know why. So, what do you think my fearless leader did? Did she stand up for the school and her employee and tell him that he is out of line? No. She said okay. She seems to think that he could sway the board and we might lose the money--the amount of which is growing each time she tells a story. Never mind that it has been all over the local press and there are flyers everywhere announcing the even and the fact that our school gets the money. She didn't even stop to realize that it is impossible to undo the deal at this point.
Talk about a smack in the face. Once I got over my anger at him--which is tremendous, by the way--it hit me that it is her that I should be upset with. How on earth could she stand there and let him tell her who was going to do what? At what point is she ever going to show some backbone. This is the same man she got me out of class to talk to only to have him chew me out over something at the county. She stodd there like a statue and I had to take it.
I am done. I don't care if I have to be a street sweeper. If W. had a job, she would have my resignation today. I just can't take that chance right now. I have never felt so completely offended and hurt in my entire life. This takes the cake--puts all of her other antics to shame. I cannot continue like this. Just can't do it.
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