Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Saturday, June 15, 2002

I know why AOL has issued enought of those damn free CDs to cover Rhode Island in three layers now. They suck.

For some reason my AOL just died two days ago. Some error. I uninstalled and reinstalled. It lasted until I logged on the second time. I had to repeat the process every time I logged on. I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling the damn software five times. I think it is finally working again. Add that to the fact that I still haven't figured out why they don't have or I can't find a history file with more than 20 entries in it and I am sick of it. If it wasn't free, dammit, I'd be using something else. Which reminds me, I have to change AOL accounts because the free time on this one has run out, I am sure. Mike gave me 20 frigging AOL CDs. 20,000 hours of AOL. Goody.


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