Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Sunday, June 09, 2002

I am trying to figure out who family reunions are fun for. It ain't me.

This afternoon I get to drag 3 kids to the park for a lovely lunch in a picnic shelter. In June. At noon. Hmmm. Perhaps if we had the affair on the sun itself, it might be hotter somewhere than Tennessee in June, but who I am to complain? So off we will go. The bathroom facilities are those of the park. Joy. Nothing like taking a 3 yer old to the bathroom in a sweltering port a john. Mine are the only small children that will be there today, so I get to entertain them while my dear husband visits with people that he sees once a year at most. We have been married almost 10 years and I still don't know who is who outside of the immediate family.

Don't get me wrong, I love visiting with family. I grew up in a huge family. My mother was the youngest of 11 children. I have 33 cousins on that side alone. My dad's damily was always getting together--still does. My complaint is the timing, I suppose. Why can't these thing be held in the fall when it is pleasant? It's all on the weekend, so school isn't a factor. Why do we have to suffer in June. For the record, the same to-do used to be held in August...I should count my blessings because August in absolutely hell on earth.

I am at least spared cooking. W. decided we would just take pizza so the kids would have something to eat. Of course pizza outside in June is just nauseating to me, but I'm not 8, so what do I know?

So, now to find the sunscreen, the bug spray, the sunglasses and appropriate clothing for all. No mean feat in this wreck, I assure you. When is my vacation supposed to start??


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