Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Friday, May 31, 2002

Ye gods! I spent 4 hours in a sadistics class. I am now aware of why I never pursued a math-related field. The dreaded f reared it's ugly head--anytime there is an f in a math prolem, I tense up.

Four hours, one break. 15 minutes of break. That was it. I fell asleep twice--yikes! I thought I went to bed early enough--nope. The upside is the stuff isn't too diffiuclt yet--just requires actual thinking. The teacher we had today was a sub, but he was great at explaining things and giving good examples. I took about 10 pages of notes.

I am going to go ahead and sifn up for my fourth summer class--it won't cost anymore and I will not have to go next summer if I do this. I don't want to take a chance on being the only one that had to drive to Nashville next summer, so I am going to bite the bullet. In July I will have class every stinking day, but the next school year, I will be Kim W. Ed.S and get a nice fat raise to offset my misery. The doctorate seems sooooo far away. The idea of a dissertation terrifies me, but we will get a start on it in the Ed.S. program, so that should help. I just have to figure out what on earth I want to spend months researching and writing about.


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