Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Mother of Three

General rantings, musings and purging

Friday, June 07, 2002

YIKES! I thought summer was suuposed to be the time I got to rest. I am more tired than ever. Could be because I am staying up until midnight doing absolutely nothing.

Why won't my kids sleep? Why is it that on the days they would sleep late, I have to get up early myself? Today was the second installment of statistics. **shudder**. Standard deviation. **shudder again**. It isn't hard, just so tedious. Incredibly tedious. Had I gotten enough sleep last night, it wouldn't have been nearly so bad, but no, my 3 year old was up until 10:30 last night. I didn't go to bed until midnight myself. Sam has also decided to stay up until 8 every night. I am not amused. He is supposed to go to bed early so I can have my evenings a little bit less crazy since he gets up at the crack of dawn.

I have so manny things to blog about--I just have to find the time to put them down. Hmmmmm. and I need another topic, too.


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